The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 18th episode of the 7th season last night (March 22, 2015).
Last week, the ladies all got together for a therapy session with Dr. Jeff, and Nene Leakes stormed out after feeling attacked.
[FLASHBACK: RECAP: RHOA S7, EP17 – ‘Fix It Therapy’ + Watch Full Episode]
This week, the ‘therapy’ continues…. albeit without Mrs. Leakes, and miraculously the ladies all admit they have issues that have nothing to do with her.
Bravo synopsis:
Dr. Jeff leads the women to a breakthrough. NeNe struggles with studying for her Broadway debut. Kenya’s cast reads her script for the first time. Phaedra meets with an attorney to figure out next steps in her life. Claudia decides to continue ushering the girls towards better friendships.
Recap + watch full episode below… (more…)
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