The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 19th episode of it’s 7th season last night (March 29, 2015).
Last week, we witnessed the ladies push through therapy with Dr. Jeff…
[READ: RHOA Recap: ‘Housewife Interrupted’ + Watch Full Video…]
And as this season slowly comes to a close, the ladies get together for yet another ‘girl’s trip’ but this time, there’s at least one who decides to stay home and work on other projects.
[READ: Rumor Control: The REAL Reason Nene Leakes Ditched #RHOA Trip to Philippines… ]
Bravo Synopsis:
The women travel to the Philippines. Everyone is in attendance except NeNe, who has chosen to work on her upcoming role for Broadway.
Phaedra opens up to Claudia.
For once, there seems to be peace and positivity throughout the group…that is, until dinner time.
Recap + full episode under the cut… (more…)
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